domingo, 9 de setembro de 2012

Atualização da PlayStation Store Brasil tem promoções e novos jogos

A atualização desta semana da PlayStation Store brasileira trouxe novidades para quem esperava por novos jogos e algumas promoções. O principal destaque é a promoção do gameDiRT Showdown, que teve seu preço reajustado de R$ 121,99 para R$ 101,99. Entre os outros destaques da semana, estão o pacote de músicas do Linkin Park para o game Rock Band 3 (R$ 14,99) e também a expansão Armored Kill, para Battlefield 3 – por enquanto gratuito e somente para assinantes do serviço Battlefield Premium.
DiRT Showdown teve seu preço reduzido (Foto: Divulgação)
Para quem espera por mais jogos completos vendidos por download, a loja foi atualizada com os games da trilogia Sly Cooper, contendo Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, Sly 2: Band of Thieves e Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. Cada um sai por R$ 20,99 e apresentam gráficos em alta definição, além de suporte aos troféus da PlayStation Network e tecnologia de visualização 3D.

O clássico moderno de horror Siren: Blood Curse também está disponível a partir dessa semana na loja online do PS3. Lançado há alguns anos no exterior, o game é uma verdadeira experiência aterradora para os corações mais fracos e é vendido em pacotes de episódios (R$ 30,99) ou em um pacote completo, com 12 episódios (por R$ 80,99).
Além dos destaques, o conteúdo da atualização ainda apresenta muitos vídeos, extras para jogos menores e temas para o sistema do PlayStation 3. Para comprar na PS Store, mesmo na brasileira, é preciso ter um cartão de crédito internacional.

sábado, 8 de setembro de 2012

Análise: headset GX Series HS-G700V Cavimanus Virtual 7.1 da Genius

Função vibratória é o destaque deste acessório que filtra bem os sons ambientes e ajuda a aumentar a imersão em jogos eletrônicos.

Análise: headset GX Series HS-G700V Cavimanus Virtual 7.1 da Genius(Fonte da imagem: Divulgação/Genius)
Com o GX Series HS-G700V Cavimanus Virtual 7.1, a Genius tenta fortalecer seu nome como uma fabricante de acessórios especializados em oferecer experiências mais imersivas para jogadores hardcore. Com um visual marcante, o acessório chega com a promessa de tornar ainda mais divertida e confortável a vida de quem tem o PC como plataforma preferencial.
Fizemos uma rodada de testes com o headset e, neste artigo, descrevemos todas as impressões que ele nos passou. Para comprovar a real qualidade do produtos, utilizamos os jogos Counter-Strike: Global Opperation, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare e The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, além de programas multimídia capazes de testar sua verdadeira capacidade de lidar com todas as situações do cotidiano.



O primeiro aspecto que chama atenção no Cavimanus é o seu tamanho avantajado, resultante do sistema de vibração do dispositivo. Apesar de seu tamanho, o acessório se adapta sem problemas aos mais variados tamanhos de cabeça, e suas saídas de som se encaixam facilmente nas orelhas do consumidor, envolvendo-as completamente.
Análise: headset GX Series HS-G700V Cavimanus Virtual 7.1 da Genius(Fonte da imagem: Divulgação/Genius)
Mesmo que você seja daqueles que se movimentam de um lado para outro enquanto jogam, o fone de ouvido dificilmente sairá da posição inicial durante uma partida. Uma característica que se destaca no produto é o seu bom isolamento acústico: conversas próximas dificilmente chegam a incomodar, mesmo que a intensidade do volume não esteja muito elevada.
Apesar de o dispositivo possuir um peso relativamente maior do que opções mais convencionais, isso não chega a incomodar. Mesmo depois de longas sessões de jogo, o Cavimanus em nenhum momento se mostrou desconfortável ou exigiu a realização de ajustes para continuar em uma posição considerada adequada.
Outra vantagem do headset em relação a outras opções da mesma categoria disponíveis atualmente é a posição de seu controlador de volume. Localizado no lado esquerdo do aparelho, o controlador pode ser acessado facilmente, algo que nem sempre acontece quando essa função está localizada em um ponto específico do cabo de conexão utilizado.

Fidelidade sonora

A partir do momento em que um jogo é iniciado, uma das características que mais chamam a atenção no Cavimanus é a sua qualidade de áudio. Mesmo com o volume em sua intensidade máxima, não houve distorções notáveis — situação que permaneceu a mesma quando a função vibratória foi iniciada.
Análise: headset GX Series HS-G700V Cavimanus Virtual 7.1 da Genius(Fonte da imagem: Divulgação/Genius)
Nos testes de capacidade surround e de frequência que realizamos, o aparelho mostrou resultados bastante eficientes. Toda essa qualidade faz com que seja difícil apontar defeitos no produto quando se leva em conta somente a capacidade de reproduzir músicas e efeitos sonoros de um game.

Função de vibração

Embora seja estranho pensar em um fone capaz de vibrar (característica normalmente restrita a controles), a função desempenha um papel importante na experiência oferecida pelo Cavimanus. Em títulos como Counter-Strike e Call of Duty, o acessório oferece uma resposta bastante realista no que diz respeito aos tiros efetuados, ajudando a aumentar a sensação de imersão no que está passando na tela.
Até mesmo nos ambientes sombrios e desolados de The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim a função fez uma grande diferença, tornando mais intensos os graves da música ambiente. O recurso só não se mostrou muito adequado para a reprodução de músicas, mas, felizmente, basta apertar um botão localizado no lado direito do headset para encerrar imediatamente qualquer espécie de vibração.


Posicionamento do microfone

O principal problema do Cavimanus está justamente na maneira como seu microfone está localizado. Apesar de captar bem a fala do jogador, o dispositivo fica a uma distância relativamente grande da boca e, como não é possível ajustá-lo para fazê-lo ficar mais próximo, não é difícil que outros sons do ambiente acabem sendo capturados pelo aparelho.

Vale a pena?

Custando entre R$ 210 e R$ 296, o Cavimanus é recomendado para quem gosta de fidelidade sonora e de conforto quando a intenção é passar diversas horas em frente ao computador. Durante os testes realizados pelo Tecmundo, o dispositivo mostrou um desempenho que, se não exatamente surpreendente, não decepcionou em nenhum momento.
Análise: headset GX Series HS-G700V Cavimanus Virtual 7.1 da Genius(Fonte da imagem: Divulgação/Genius)
Apesar de seu microfone mal posicionado, o acessório se mostra uma ótima adição para títulos em que a comunicação com seus aliados é indispensável — mesmo que isso signifique a captura indesejada de barulhos presentes no ambiente em que você está. A única ressalva fica por conta do fato de que o dispositivo só possui uma única conexão USB, o que inviabiliza seu uso em qualquer outro aparelho que não seja um computador.

Chinese game uses characters from famous games without permission

China is known for producing a range of consumer electronics and accessories that are "inspired" by other famous, but this practice seems to repeat itself until the games released there. The online game The Legend of Dao Sheng decided to put some adventure in Western characters, but without the permission of their creators, of course. These include Kratos (God of War) and Iron Man, Marvel Comics.

Homem de Ferro em jogo chinês (Foto: Divulgação)
These heroes can be seen during character creation, before the player starts a game. Others appearing in the same style are Dante (Devil May Cry), a murderer who looks a lot like Altaïr (Assassin's Creed), among others.
To try to circumvent copyright, despite appearances identical, the characters use other names within the game. The Iron Man clone called "Gore Fiend", while Kratos is called "Mars". Dante is called "Musician" and the hero inspired by Altaïr is only "Assassin."

Personagens inspirados pelos heróis (Foto: Divulgação)
Despite using these Western characters, the game is only available for the Chinese market and has IP blocking by region. Thus, in theory, any player can play Western.

New demo of Resident Evil 6 will be released for PSN and Xbox Live Gold

If you own a copy of Dragon's Dogma, the newest RPG from Capcom already has access demo of Resident Evil 6. The test version was already available to players of Xbox 360 for about a month and a few days for Playstation 3. However, Capcom has announced a new game demo, open to all, which can be downloaded on both systems from September 18.

This new demo will have different phases, with action to the three protagonists - Leon, Chris and Jake - and include cooperative multiplayer online.Em until September 18, the demo will be available on PSN and the Xbox Live Gold subscribers. The other members will have access Live on September 25. Remember that, for now, the date is valid only for Japan The Western version is expected to arrive in the same week, but on the same day.

The full game will be officially released on October 2 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, with a PC version still no date set.

Treyarch did not work in the development of Black Ops - Declassified

One of the most anticipated releases for the PlayStation Vita in 2012 is undoubtedly Black Ops - Declassified, first version exclusive to the handheld Call of Duty franchise. However, it is likely that you have not the Vita had the same experience as on other consoles.
That's because, as the communications manager at Treyarch, John Rafacz, the company has been involved in creating some of the new title. Acquired by Activision in 2001, Treyarch is celebrated by the high level to which elevates their games, but this time, their share was only "to ensure accuracy within the fiction," reported Rafacz to CVG.
In short, the company's only involvement was as a consultant for the story not run away much of what encompasses the Black Ops series. Call of Duty: Black Ops - Declassified will be released in November, and its plot is between Black Ops and Black Ops 2.

Ubisoft abandon DRM which required the player to stay connected

The Ubisoft DRM system was ever cause for complaint among players by requiring that the computer was always connected to the internet to validate the matches. Now, however, the company seems to be willing to abandon the rather intrusive method of anti-piracy, investing in a simpler solution: activation only the first time a title run.

According to the director of the online games developer, Stephanie Perlotti, the new measure is already worth since June 2012 and was adopted in response to fan requests. Ubisoft has also adopted a more progressive and similar to the independent game, allowing a single copy can be activated on multiple computers.

Have Michael Burl, communications director of the company, said he did not believe the previous system has tarnished the reputation of Ubisoft. For him, in a statement that was supported by Perlotti, the old DRM is part of an internal process of the company, which has been modified and adapted over time through the response of the players.

Galaxy S3 outsells iPad

Samsung announced on Thursday (6) a preliminary report showing that sales of its top-notch, the Galaxy S3, surpassed 20 million units sold in just the first 100 days after launch. By comparison, the iPad launched by Apple in 2010 and considered a sales phenomenon, took 3 months to reach 17 million units sold.

O Samsung Galaxy S3 ultrapassou a marca de 20 milhões de unidades vendidas em 100 dias (Foto: Reprodução/Engadget)
The numbers also surpass the Galaxy S3 at three times the Galaxy S2, which broke through 20 million sold only after 10 months of launch. Another very popular model, the Galaxy S, was well back in the rankings, since it took 17 months to reach 20 million.
Samsung claims to be producing 200,000 units of Galaxy S3 per day. Among the best-selling stand out Europe, with 6 million sold; Asia, with 4.5 million, and North America, with 4 million. Only in South Korea, where Samsung is installed, sold about 2.5 million units of the device.

sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

Understand why Dead Space is considered the most violent game of this generation

Dead Space is one of the scariest franchises ever released on the current generation of consoles. This statement is reinforced with relevant arguments about the high levels of violence coupled with highly somber mood surrounding the player from beginning to end of the story. But the success of this series goes beyond a single factor.

Dead Space (Reuters)
Yes, Dead Space is a scary game, but more than that, it's a horror game developed well. Elements such as the camera next to the player, a claustrophobic feeling and mobility not very agile character (because it uses a heavy metal armor) increase the tension, and the Visceral studio spared no effort to make the game "politically correct." Check out some reasons that make the Dead Space series is considered the most violent of the current generation.
Parasites of alien bodies
According to the history of the game, the Necromorphs are beings that parasitize the human body, which causes a mutation in the same instant. This transformation is nothing gentle and very painful. All have infected their bodies torn, and his bone structure is completely changed in the process. Thus are born with four arms monsters or creatures with giant tumors that explode. Describe the process of transformation into a text is not very effective. Throw and draw your conclusions.
Members around the corner

Dead Space (Reuters)
In addition to mutations of aberrant monsters, the protagonist Isaac Clarke is also not the most good ones when it comes to survival. Your arsenal includes weapons sharp and classic flamethrower assault rifles.
The weakness of the Necromorphs is only one: cut the limbs to immobilize him. This motivates the player to cut off the arms, legs and heads of some creatures around the landscape. And also gives trample the corpse of the monster newly defeated. The sound of a steel boot crushing human flesh in the game is amazing.
Neither the kids escape

Dead Space (Reuters)
Do you know any game played by adults in which children can be cut off and die? Dead Space is so, this being the greatest evidence of the escape what is considered politically correct in games. There are no children in GTA, a game quite violent, for example. And when a child appears in a horror game, it is not always slaughtered with bullets and stomps.
Dead Space (Foto: Divulgação)

But in Dead Space, the producers did not care about that and created the Pack. These monsters are mutant children that attack in packs (hence the name) and have large claws that slice your character in a few seconds if something is not done to stop them.
But do not stop there: even babies estam mutants present in the game. In Dead Space 2, there are babies who are crying and if the player approaches, they explode like landmines.
Agony in the limit
Dead Space (Foto: Divulgação)

Many moments of the game put Isaac in agonizing situations. Since gigantic monsters that pull the leg to machines that can pierce your eyes, there are several moments of agony in which the player will feel a shiver down the spine. All properly planned by developers.
Therefore, the series Dead Space is considered as the most TechTudo by this violent generation. The third title in the series is coming with the right to cooperative gameplay. Indeed, one reason for which the co-op was implemented, according to the producers, it was because the single player mode was too scary. Even the game's creators think they got heavy on the content of their franchise.

Battlefield 3 quadruples the number of servers on consoles.

After complaints from users who had trouble connecting in Battlefield 3, DICE, the game producer, announced that it has quadrupled the number of servers of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

A blog post on the official Battlefield 3 said: "We heard their wishes for more official DICE servers. At the moment, effectively quadrupled the number of them on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, "and reported that DICE just search for servers in seeking to find them and favorite them.
Since the company brought to the islands to function renting servers, many users do not pay to play complained of difficulties to get a good connect to server. Now DICE claims that these problems should not bother most.

Battlefield 3 quadruplica número de servidores nos consoles (Foto: Divulgação)

Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 will have a collector's edition with helicopter

The U.S. GameStop store revealed at a conference for employees, collector's editions for Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, not taking anything for information falling into the internet and be confirmed. There will be two editions for consoles with lots of extras and an exclusive version for computers. The game comes out on November 13 for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions have the Care Package for $ 179.99 (£ 360) and Hardened Edition for $ 79.99 (U.S. $ 160), they bring basically the same things, but comes in a Care Package a much bigger box and a remote control quadricóptero fact, the MQ-27 Dragonfire Drone.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Care Package Edition (Foto: Leviathyn)

Both editions include a copy of the game in a Steelbook case standard, plus the bonus maps 2025 and Nuketown Nuketown Zombies, 2 coins Challenge Coins that function as an access key to digital content, official soundtrack, skins for weapons package Weapon Camo and two Player Card Backgrounds for your Killcam inspired bonus maps.
The Xbox 360 version will exclusively a zombie clothing for your Xbox LIVE avatar and a miniature vehicle CLAW game as an accessory. On PlayStation 3, players receive two dynamic themes based on maps Turbine and Zombies.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 Hardened Edition (Foto: Leviathyn)
For players of the PC, the Digital Deluxe Edition brings almost all of the consoles, the game, the two bonus maps Nuketown, the official soundtrack, the package Weapon Camo and Player Card Backgrounds. The main difference is that they also get a free download of the title Call of Duty: World at War

Hearthfire, further expansion of Skyrim, lets have a home and family

Producer Bethesda announced Skyrim: Hearthfire, further expansion of its famed RPG that promises to add even more content to the gigantic adventure. In this expansion, which comes out on September 4 for Xbox 360, players will employ new features like own a home and build up a family.

Skyrim: Hearthfire allows to build homes (Reuters)
Hearthfire allows the player to buy a house ready or even build from scratch in any territory of the huge map. You can also create simple houses and grand mansions, everything depends on your available money and status, more or less like the world

Inside the houses the player will be able to maintain a number of benefits, such as a section weapon, alchemy lab, stables for their horses and more. Is it still possible to adopt children to form their family and protect the house from outside threats.
As is usual with the expansions of Skyrim, the new content will be exclusive to Xbox 360 for some time, possibly 30 days, and then reaches the PlayStation 3 and PC. Skyrim: Hearthfire will cost 400 Microsoft Points (or about $ 10) and requires the base game (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim) to work.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive

One of the most popular games of all time is finally back. In this review you will see that Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS GO) still carries the elements that made the series a phenomenon in Internet cafes and promises that cause nostalgia in his legion of fans.
CS Reloaded

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Reuters)
The look of Counter Strike: Global Offensive shows up far more real than the previous version. As the scenarios are the same, the idea for Valve to rebuild the old classic worked perfectly. Thus, that fans who could prove more reluctant to change felt more at ease.
The characters are also more realistic. Both the clothes and the weapons - which is obviously now hanging in character - give an air of new game to fans of the series. The system also yields light and shade compliments. A curious fact is that your own shadow can deliver the place where you are hiding. Even the puddles of blood - that were a jumble of pixels - gave rise to a rounded shape very realistic.
And in a comparison between versions for PCs and consoles (Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3) is difficult to notice a big difference between the graphs. However, with a more in depth analysis, you can see that PCs still take a little advantage.

Sighting system by CS: GO has not changed much (Reuters)
A more agile CS
The gameplay that popularized the franchise stays intact. The targeting system is still limited to only zooms in rifles, the jumps are still limited and crouch is one of the best ways to deceive and surprise your enemies. Since the movement was a little faster than normal, giving the feeling of characters lighter.
What was also agile was to find a room for their matches. Unlike previous Counter Strike, you need not look for a server to start the contest, simply visit the Quick Match option that you are automatically sent to a room available.
The downside is that you can not choose the matches and the needed maps. In other words, you just fall in a game already rolling and the scenarios already determined by other players. In these cases, the ideal is to create a game and invite your friends.

In the new Counter-Strike, it is faster to find a room for their games (Reuters)
Keyboard and mouse on consoles
Counter Strike has always been a popular franchise in PCs And just can not say it was exclusive to consoles as the Xbox version of the game received in 2004 - which ended up not being a sales success. But Valve decided to bet their chips on the current generation consoles and released via DLC versions of Global Offensive for Xbox 360 and PS3.

And if that was not enough the perfect conversion, the game received support keyboard and mouse for both versions. In our tests, the PlayStation 3 version was very well suited to accessories. The game has options to set the mouse sensitivity and even reverse the shaft.
The limitations somewhat frustrated
If you're an old fan of the franchise, you know that Counter Strike has never had many game modes and support for up to 64 players in a single match. With that, there's nothing to be disappointed in Global Offensive. But if you grew up with games like Call of Duty and Battlefield, faced with a game that has only four game modes and ten players per room, can be very frustrating.
Another negative fact is the few game options and offline single player. There are still players who prefer to play alone until you have some experience. CS: GO even has a mode where you can set up a match full of bots (players controlled by the "machine"), ideal to train your skills, but you also do not like very much.

Limitations of Counter Strike: Global Offensive may displease (Reuters)
Counter Strike: Global Offensive Classic is back with a new look. For longtime fans of the franchise, there is nothing to complain about, because Valve has managed to put virtually the same game a little faster and with fewer bugs. But if you are adept at more robust games like CoD and Battlefield, CS GO can cause some frustration due to the limitations of the game.

Resident Evil 6 will have several DLCs

After Capcom have commented recently that the consoles version of Resident Evil 6 was completed, the senior vice president of the company, Christian Svensson, spoke about the PC version and what we can expect in terms of DLCs. The game comes out for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on October 2, although no date of arrival to computers.

Resident Evil 6 (Photo: Playback: Rafael Monteiro)
According to Svensson, the producer is not really ready to talk about his plans for the DLC, but as mentioned Resident Evil 5 received considerable chunks of content even a year after its launch. According to him, Resident Evil 6 will follow the same path.
On the PC version, the vice president said just now that the console version was completed is that work will begin on the computers, "soon" in his words. "The source code is being analyzed now, but he still should have support for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8, I believe that with DirectX 9," said Svensson.

Lollipop Chainsaw is a fun game full of nudity, profanity and zombies

Lollipop Chainsaw is a mixture of violence, profanity and sexual appeals that conviction. Since it was announced, Lollipop Chainsaw draws attention for its storyline full of eroticism and foul language. But besides being a well of controversies, like the game for its gameplay and storyline insane efficient and at the same time, fun. See the full review.
Zombies, blood, profanity and nudity. Nothing else

Lollipop Chainsaw (Reuters)
For those unaware, the game was developed by none other than Suda 51. The producer is one of the most creative minds in the world of games and carries a reputation for developing games with exaggerated plots, filled with violence and with a language unfit for well under 18 - is the excessive swearing or sexual references.
Lollipop Chainsaw is no exception to this letter, and already shows that came from the synopsis of the game. Besides cheerleader, Juliet is a hunter of zombies. And on the very day of his birthday, a classmate opens the gates of hell. It is up to the blonde protect their planet from the evil forces.
And if that was not enough so bizarre, Juliet still has the help of adjuncts beyond exotic. Starting decapitated by her boyfriend, whose head accompanies the young throughout the journey. Relatives of Juliet also give the air of grace in the game, since your father's sister jealous somewhat insane.
All this contributes to a web cast that however crazy it is, entertains and keeps the player entertained throughout the game. Lollipop Chainsaw also has the advantage of being subtitled in Portuguese - this includes heavy dialogues full of expletives and sexual appeals.

Lollipop Chainsaw (Reuters)
Do justice with chainsaw
The name already delivers great game mechanics. Armed with a chainsaw, Juliet detonating need all kinds of zombies on the way. The blonde still has a combo system and some sort of weapon sights for some enemies - mainly those flying - but your saw is basically a big supporting role in the plot.
Lollipop Chainsaw tries to escape a little from linearity with simple puzzles and some rare moments that come to confuse the player in relation to its main path, but nothing that impairs the ability to lose more than half an hour looking for a solution. This is perhaps the major downside that accompanies most games producer Suda 51.
However what is lacking is the lack of a multiplayer mode. Although the main plot does not give opening for a company - only to head hanging from her boyfriend - the presence of the family of Juliet would be a good excuse for other characters in a fun way at best estilho Beat 'em up.

Lollipop Chainsaw (Reuters) (Photo: Lollipop Chainsaw (Reuters))
Cut zombies is fun!
The major aim of the game works in a way that deserves much praise. Unlike 90% of the games, use the chainsaw on Lollipop Chainsaw is easy, fast and effective. Therefore, you will rarely use the combo system blows through. These can be purchased with coins, as well as the evolution of its attributes.
But the targeting system is not one of the best, a time which is not always the shot reaches the desired target. In other words, reaching the head of his enemies is not so easy and accurate. However this is only a supplement to the game a few times you use your weapon, unless it is mandatory.
The movement of the character also helps a lot in time to dodge the attack of his enemies - especially when fighting against bosses is phase. The system also stun enemies helps to perform combinations of moves that generate more gold coins and silver.
Visual unsalted
If Juliet exudes beauty during their journey against zombies, the game's graphics are not as attractive as the protagonist dressed in schoolgirl. That's because they demonstrate a simplicity in the scenarios and environments.
Lollipop Chainsaw (Foto: Divulgação)

Lollipop Chainsaw is another game that recreates the simple fact smash zombies along the way. With a bizarre plot while fun, the game makes the joy of casual gamers looking for a way to have fun without worrying about complex puzzles or difficulty exaggerated. Pity that the lack of a multiplayer mode that prevents contaminates fun friends.

New Razer gaming headset design has airman

It was announced by Razer, a company specializing in accessories for high performance gaming, a new version of BlackShark headset, whose design was inspired by military aviators equipment. This version is the same as BlackShark Battlefield 3, which was developed by the mark for the franchise from Electronic Arts.

Razer has BlackShark aviator design
This time, no mention of Battlefield 3, the model's main characteristic is to give the player the same feeling of headsets used by helicopter pilots. With details in black and white - the colors of the Razer - the accessory offers great sound isolation headphones through involving the ears instead of pressing them, which also increases user comfort.
The BlackShark microphone is detachable and can be plugged into any audio device with a 3.5 mm jack. Thus, it becomes compatible with most devices available on the market. Its MSRP is $ 549 and will be available in Brazil in October.
Razer BlackShark (Foto: Divulgação)

Epic Seattle created for Unreal Engine 4 development

Epic Seattle created for Unreal Engine 4 development
THU 06 SEP 2012 6:17PM GMT / 2:17PM EDT / 11:17AM PDT
Epic is creating a brand-new studio in Seattle
Epic Games has announced the creation of a brand-new studio in Seattle, Washington, to focus on "engineering efforts" for Unreal Engine 4. The new studio is primarily hiring programmers and engineers to work with its current engineering group.
"The proximity to key partners, the density of world-class talent and all the factors that make Seattle an attractive place to live convinced us that it is the perfect locale for Epic's West Coast operation," said Epic Games President Dr. Michael Capps. "We are looking to hire even more of the best engineers around to contribute to Unreal Engine 4, which we believe is set to change the way we all make games."
Available positions at Epic Seattle include Animation Systems Programmer, Audio Tools Programmer, Engine Programmer, Java/Online Server Programmer, Lead Online Programmer, Rendering Programmer Active, and Tools Programmer. The full list of available jobs is here.

Epic Games opens new office in the U.S.

Epic Games, in efforts to develop the next version of the Unreal Engine, Seattle chose in the U.S. to serve as their new base of operations. Initially, the firm should hire programmers and engineers to increase the team's current platform, Unreal Engine 3, later to integrate them into the development of the fourth version.
"We are looking to hire more people between the best engineers available to help with the Unreal Engine 4," said the company president Michael Capps to Gamesindustry.
Fonte: Gamesindustry

"Minecraft Day and Z are the promises of games," say developers


During PAX Prime 2012, the writers Erik Wolpaw and Tim Schafer (responsible, respectively, for the history of Psychonauts and Portal 2) stated that games that favor the player's actions rather than a direct narrative may be the future of video games.
To Wolpaw, the industry is moving toward a model in which traditional games, such as those made by him or Schafer, cease to be millionaires projects to be produced for specific audiences.
Already Schafer commented that while this type of game is the great promise of the industry, not everyone wants the same for games. Thus, it does not mean that gender is the only one that will persist in the future.
Minecraft has no history and no predefined goals and yet has sold 7 million copies for PC and 3.6 million copies on the Xbox 360. Z Day, with a similar proposal, already has a million registered players and is set to be released commercially soon.
Fonte: VG24/7


After 20 years of best-selling, award-winning fantasy role-playing games, the Elder Scrolls series goes online! Experience this epic adventure on your own or together with friends, guild mates or thousands of alliance members. The choices you make, from the alliance you join, to the character you create and the battles you fight, will shape your destiny and the world of Tamriel.

Robes "indigenous" Assassin's Creed 3 appear on the Internet


Leaked on the internet the first image of the Mohawk Armour, one of the special garments that will be used by the protagonist of Assassin's Creed III. The clothing, Native American themed, not accompanied by any additional information. It is not known whether the item is a DLC or some kind of secret habilitável article in the title.
The game hits stores on October 30th, 2012 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Cars can be upgraded via Kinect in Need for Speed​​: Most Wanted

Nobody likes to stop the car and access menus while walking the streets or an escape from the police in Need for Speed​​: Most Wanted, the reboot of Criterion Games. Thinking this nuisance, the developer found a very creative and modern solution to improve integration between vehicle and driver: the Kinect.
Want to install or activate the turbo in the car? Just say "Nitrous" aloud and see the vehicle fire in the streets. Speaking following the "Mods, Nitrous, Nitrous Burn" is also interesting: automatically, you team a load of nitro and the most active time.
According to the official blog of the game, it is possible to change tires for a set flat or better to walk on the pavement, all without having to access the menu EasyDrive - just say "Mods, Tires, Slicks". You can test these functions on November 2 this year. The game comes in addition to the Xbox 360, PS3, PC and Vita.

Launch of Xbox 720 may have been delayed by manufacturing problems

Although it has not even been announced yet, it seems that the Xbox 720 has just passed by his first postponement. According to sources the site SemiAccurate, the success rate in the manufacturing of the device was classified as "painfully low" for manufacturing.
The next generation console should use AMD - instead of the traditional IBM. According to that site, not for the postponement, the chip should go into production during the month of December.

Still according to SemiAccurate, the Xbox 720 processor currently codenamed responds to "Oban" and has been developed in several locations in the West. However, the sources pointed mysterious: the manufacturing quality of the unit chip is nowhere to be "horrible" yet.
Apparently, new tests with the processor must start within eight weeks. According to the same source, the Xbox 720 should be ready for launch in September 2013. As estimated the SemiAccurate, Microsoft will need to begin production of its next console until February of next year - so that makes sense for a September

Check out the full list of songs from FIFA 13

Awaited as the game itself is the list of the soundtrack of FIFA 13. After revealing the names of some artists featured in this year's version, the soccer simulation from Electronic Arts finally had all the songs announced.
The list includes hits from Metric, Bloc Party, Flo Rida feat. Lil Wayne, Matisyahu, Two Door Cinema Club, Band of Horses and Santigold, several bands that have released or will put albums in stores in 2012. Some fled to the rule releases are: "Club Foot" by Kasabian, is 2004. Another highlight is the banda music with Brazilian Zemaria Past 2.
Check out the full list below:
Animal Kingdom - Get Away With It;
Ashtar Command - Mark IV feat. Joshua Radin;
Astro - Panda;
Atlas Genius - If So;
Band Of Horses - Feud;
Bastille - Weight Of Living, Part 2;
Bloc Party - We Are Not Good People;
Cali - Outta My Mind;
Clement Marfo & The Frontline - Us Against The World;
Crystal Fighters - Follow;
deadmau5 feat. Gerard Way - Professional Griefers;
Django Django - Hail Bop;
Duologue - Get Out While You Can;
Elliphant - Tekkno Scene feat. Adam Kanyama;
Featurecast - Got That Fire (Oh La Ha) (feat. Pugs Atomz);
Fitz And The Tantrums - Spark;
Flo Rida feat. Lil Wayne - Let It Roll, Part 2;
Foreign Beggars & Bare Noise - See The Light;
Hadouken! - Bliss Out;
Imagine Dragons - On Top Of The World;
Jagwar Ma - What Love;
Kasabian - Club Foot;
Jonathan Boulet - You're A Animal;
Kimbra - Come Into My head;
Kitten - G #;
Kraftklub - Madchen Eure;
Ladyhawke - Black White & Blue;
Madeon - Finale;
Matisyahu - Searchin;
Metric - Speed ​​The Collapse;
Miike Snow - Paddling Out;
Passion Pit - I'll Be Alright;
Reptar - Sweet Sipping Soda;
Reverend And The Makers - Shine The Light;
Rock Mafia - Fly Or Die;
The Royal Concept - Goldrushed;
Royal Teeth - Wild;
Santigold - Big Mouth;
St. Lucia - September;
Stepdad - Jungles;
The Chevin - Champion;
The Enemy - Saturday;
The Heavy - Do not Say Nothing;
The Presets - Ghosts;
Two Door Cinema Club - Sleep Alone;
Walk The Moon - Quesadilla;
Wretch 32 - Blur
Youngblood Hawke - We Come Running;
Young Empires - Rain Of Gold;
Zemaria - Past 2.

47% of PC gamers are Brazilian women, says survey

The myth that video games is not something a woman has already been tipped for some time, but now gained another reinforcement: according to a national survey, they represent 47% of the public who enjoy playing on the PC.
The favorite genres of audience are casual games that do not require extensive knowledge of the area or facility in learning complex controls, plus titles available on social networks. The card games were the most frequent in both categories.
Games POP Research conducted by IBOPE Media, also showed that 51% of gamers are women of class A, with ages ranging between 40 and 49 years. If the computers is remarkable growth in cell number needs to improve: only 23% of the market belongs to the female audience.
Other interesting data on PC include the place where people usually consume games: 87% at home, 11% in Internet cafes, 10% in the homes of friends or relatives and 2% at work. Gaming sites are preferred by 43% of people, titles that come installed pleasing 42% and 40% admit to downloading them from the internet.

Tablet gamer Wikipad chega em outubro por US$ 499

Tablet gamer Wikipad chega em outubro por US$ 499

A GameStop anunciou nesta semana que o tablet gamer Wikipad chega às lojas norte-americanas a partir do dia 31 de outubro, pelo preço de US$ 499 (o equivalente a R$ 1 mil, sem impostos). O grande diferencial do produto é o fato de ele ter direcional e botões de joystick acoplados às laterais.
O tablet terá cesso a diversos conteúdos extras e suporta o conteúdo da plataforma PlayStation Mobile. O processador do Wikipad é um Tegra 3, o sistema operacional é o Android e a tela é de 10,1 polegadas. A empresa ainda não revelou mais detalhes sobre as especificações técnicas do produto.

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