sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

Lollipop Chainsaw is a fun game full of nudity, profanity and zombies

Lollipop Chainsaw is a mixture of violence, profanity and sexual appeals that conviction. Since it was announced, Lollipop Chainsaw draws attention for its storyline full of eroticism and foul language. But besides being a well of controversies, like the game for its gameplay and storyline insane efficient and at the same time, fun. See the full review.
Zombies, blood, profanity and nudity. Nothing else

Lollipop Chainsaw (Reuters)
For those unaware, the game was developed by none other than Suda 51. The producer is one of the most creative minds in the world of games and carries a reputation for developing games with exaggerated plots, filled with violence and with a language unfit for well under 18 - is the excessive swearing or sexual references.
Lollipop Chainsaw is no exception to this letter, and already shows that came from the synopsis of the game. Besides cheerleader, Juliet is a hunter of zombies. And on the very day of his birthday, a classmate opens the gates of hell. It is up to the blonde protect their planet from the evil forces.
And if that was not enough so bizarre, Juliet still has the help of adjuncts beyond exotic. Starting decapitated by her boyfriend, whose head accompanies the young throughout the journey. Relatives of Juliet also give the air of grace in the game, since your father's sister jealous somewhat insane.
All this contributes to a web cast that however crazy it is, entertains and keeps the player entertained throughout the game. Lollipop Chainsaw also has the advantage of being subtitled in Portuguese - this includes heavy dialogues full of expletives and sexual appeals.

Lollipop Chainsaw (Reuters)
Do justice with chainsaw
The name already delivers great game mechanics. Armed with a chainsaw, Juliet detonating need all kinds of zombies on the way. The blonde still has a combo system and some sort of weapon sights for some enemies - mainly those flying - but your saw is basically a big supporting role in the plot.
Lollipop Chainsaw tries to escape a little from linearity with simple puzzles and some rare moments that come to confuse the player in relation to its main path, but nothing that impairs the ability to lose more than half an hour looking for a solution. This is perhaps the major downside that accompanies most games producer Suda 51.
However what is lacking is the lack of a multiplayer mode. Although the main plot does not give opening for a company - only to head hanging from her boyfriend - the presence of the family of Juliet would be a good excuse for other characters in a fun way at best estilho Beat 'em up.

Lollipop Chainsaw (Reuters) (Photo: Lollipop Chainsaw (Reuters))
Cut zombies is fun!
The major aim of the game works in a way that deserves much praise. Unlike 90% of the games, use the chainsaw on Lollipop Chainsaw is easy, fast and effective. Therefore, you will rarely use the combo system blows through. These can be purchased with coins, as well as the evolution of its attributes.
But the targeting system is not one of the best, a time which is not always the shot reaches the desired target. In other words, reaching the head of his enemies is not so easy and accurate. However this is only a supplement to the game a few times you use your weapon, unless it is mandatory.
The movement of the character also helps a lot in time to dodge the attack of his enemies - especially when fighting against bosses is phase. The system also stun enemies helps to perform combinations of moves that generate more gold coins and silver.
Visual unsalted
If Juliet exudes beauty during their journey against zombies, the game's graphics are not as attractive as the protagonist dressed in schoolgirl. That's because they demonstrate a simplicity in the scenarios and environments.
Lollipop Chainsaw (Foto: Divulgação)

Lollipop Chainsaw is another game that recreates the simple fact smash zombies along the way. With a bizarre plot while fun, the game makes the joy of casual gamers looking for a way to have fun without worrying about complex puzzles or difficulty exaggerated. Pity that the lack of a multiplayer mode that prevents contaminates fun friends.

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