sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

Understand why Dead Space is considered the most violent game of this generation

Dead Space is one of the scariest franchises ever released on the current generation of consoles. This statement is reinforced with relevant arguments about the high levels of violence coupled with highly somber mood surrounding the player from beginning to end of the story. But the success of this series goes beyond a single factor.

Dead Space (Reuters)
Yes, Dead Space is a scary game, but more than that, it's a horror game developed well. Elements such as the camera next to the player, a claustrophobic feeling and mobility not very agile character (because it uses a heavy metal armor) increase the tension, and the Visceral studio spared no effort to make the game "politically correct." Check out some reasons that make the Dead Space series is considered the most violent of the current generation.
Parasites of alien bodies
According to the history of the game, the Necromorphs are beings that parasitize the human body, which causes a mutation in the same instant. This transformation is nothing gentle and very painful. All have infected their bodies torn, and his bone structure is completely changed in the process. Thus are born with four arms monsters or creatures with giant tumors that explode. Describe the process of transformation into a text is not very effective. Throw and draw your conclusions.
Members around the corner

Dead Space (Reuters)
In addition to mutations of aberrant monsters, the protagonist Isaac Clarke is also not the most good ones when it comes to survival. Your arsenal includes weapons sharp and classic flamethrower assault rifles.
The weakness of the Necromorphs is only one: cut the limbs to immobilize him. This motivates the player to cut off the arms, legs and heads of some creatures around the landscape. And also gives trample the corpse of the monster newly defeated. The sound of a steel boot crushing human flesh in the game is amazing.
Neither the kids escape

Dead Space (Reuters)
Do you know any game played by adults in which children can be cut off and die? Dead Space is so, this being the greatest evidence of the escape what is considered politically correct in games. There are no children in GTA, a game quite violent, for example. And when a child appears in a horror game, it is not always slaughtered with bullets and stomps.
Dead Space (Foto: Divulgação)

But in Dead Space, the producers did not care about that and created the Pack. These monsters are mutant children that attack in packs (hence the name) and have large claws that slice your character in a few seconds if something is not done to stop them.
But do not stop there: even babies estam mutants present in the game. In Dead Space 2, there are babies who are crying and if the player approaches, they explode like landmines.
Agony in the limit
Dead Space (Foto: Divulgação)

Many moments of the game put Isaac in agonizing situations. Since gigantic monsters that pull the leg to machines that can pierce your eyes, there are several moments of agony in which the player will feel a shiver down the spine. All properly planned by developers.
Therefore, the series Dead Space is considered as the most TechTudo by this violent generation. The third title in the series is coming with the right to cooperative gameplay. Indeed, one reason for which the co-op was implemented, according to the producers, it was because the single player mode was too scary. Even the game's creators think they got heavy on the content of their franchise.

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